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Information & instructions for E- payment

  • The beneficiary (for examiner/TA-DA/other remuneration payments) may get itself registered under Beneficiary link and get its Rem Id. which has to be mentioned in all future payments.
  • The vendors (for bill payments) may get itself registered under Vendors link and get its Ven Id. which has to be mentioned in all future payments.
  • Consequences of mentioning wrong details in the registration form will be entirely borne by the Beneficiary/Vendor itself.
  • Consequences of mentioned wrong Rem Id/Ven Id in the future bills will be entirely borne by the Beneficiary/Vendor itself and the University will not be responsible for any payment/refund to Beneficiary/Vendor .
  • If there is any discrepancy/change in the Beneficiary/Vendor details then he/she may contact the Supdt (cheque), Accounts Branch, MDU.